MSTA Welcome Your Security is Our Priority

About Us

MSTAOffice[1]businesss ms&ta security

M.S & T.A (Melbourne Security & Training Academy Pty Ltd) is a highly professional privately owned Australian Security  company, with more than  30 years of Domestic and Overseas experience in Security industry  .MS&TA committed to deliver optimum results in all facets of Security & Crowd Control Service, Personal Protection  ,Training and Assessment .

We have successfully secured and served business around Melbourne. Over the years, MS&TA has established remarkable results by developing systems which are uniquely developed to suit each private and corporate client needs. Your needs will be carefully examined, planned and the plan executed. It is our caring nature, which has maintained our unique position in the Security industry. It continues to play a major role in our company success. As passionate professional business people working with you, it is Melbourne Security & Training Academy business to provide you with professional service and quality Security personnel. Providing consistent quality service day after day, month after month is our commitment to you.

M.S & T.A Quality and OH’S Management

MS&TA aim of this management system is to achieve needs of our customers and eliminate workplace illness and injury. Complying with relevant state and national legislation and their requirements, MS&TA use documented systems which will ensure that we operate at all times in a safe efficient and responsible manner.  MS&TA provides regular staff training, review and communicate our quality objectives, OHS matters, targets and risk management with all staff and personal.

MS&TA provides a thorough risk assessment of the site, complete with a security operational plan for each site, venue or event and monitor customer’s feedback to provide a measure of effectiveness of the quality policy By regular monitoring of our performance MS&TA is compliant with quality and OHS management standard which is national accepted and recognised.

MS&TA Security can offer you benefits of a management team who is professional, experienced and operate through policies which are ethical, responsible and successfully proven. We have a history of developing outstanding results and proud of our team’s ability to deliver Security service with meticulous attention and response.

M.S. & T.A. Mission Statement

As an Elite Security Company, our mission is to ”Build Customers for Life” providing nationwide reliable and quality Security services. Our goal is to provide the maximum level of protection to our clients!

We offer:

  • Personal protection, Crowd Control, Security Guard, Mobile Patrol services
  • Innovative and reliable services for your needs
  • Immense experience without an immense price
  • Short term & long term service
  • Personal Pick up Transporter if needed (we will come whenever you need us most).